
This Website is designed and published by the Hong Kong Q-Mark Council of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries. All materials of the Website, including designs, photographs, graphics, animation, audio and visual clips, illustrations and texts, remain the property of the Council, and may not be reproduced, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system without the Council's prior written consent. For enquiries, please contact the Council at telephone number 2732 3188.

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The Council intends to provide the information and materials in this website on an "as is" basis without giving warranty of any kind, either express or implied. In particular, no warranty as to non-infringement, security, accuracy and fitness for a purpose is given in connection with such information and materials.

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1 As required by Data Protection Principle 4 of Schedule 1 to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Please click here to access the Privacy Policy of the Website.